

Application Form for 2018 Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale Volunteer, Kohebi-tai

Hello everyone! This is Kohebi-tai, official volunteer group for Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale (ETAT)


We would like to thank you for being willing to join us as volunteers at ETAT. ETAT 2018 is going to held from 29 July to 17 September. In this mail, we are going to explain how the volunteer work during the art event, and how you can apply for the volunteer work.



Please read through this guidance before you apply for the Kohebi-tai



■ Basic volunteer work

  • Artwork production (before 27 July)
  • Reception for artworks
  • Event support


■ Volunteer schedule

  • June 29 (Fri.) to Sep. 17 (Mon.)

(If you already applied and got the confirmation email from the staff, please do not double apply. Thank you!)


Number of volunteers needed a day

about 30 people for weekday

about 50 people  for weekend and holidays


■ Basic volunteer schedule

  • take the Kohebi Bus at 20:00 Art Front Gallery, Daikanyama, Tokyo (bound for Echigo-Tsumari) *
  • arrive at Kohebi Dormitory at late night
  • go to bed
  • wake up and have the breakfast at the dorm
  • move to Kohebi Office at Kinare Art Museum
  • morning meeting a 8:00 **  at Kinare Art Museum
  • move  to venue
  • start the volunteer work at 10:00
  • end the volunteer work at 16:00 or 17:00
  • go back to the Kinare Kohebi office ***
  • report
  • go to Onsen (depends on the schedule)
  • move to the dorm OR take the Kohebi bus at 18:00 (bound for Tokyo) ****
  • have the dinner at the dorm
  • go to bed before 23:00


* Please bring you dinner to the bus with you if you haven’t finished yours.

** If you don’t stay at the dorm, you can also go to the Kohebi morning meeting by yourself and start your volunteer work from that day morning.

***If you don’t arrive Echigo-Tsumari with Kohebi bus, you can go to Kinare Kohebi office before 18:00, and join the volunteer team to return the Kohebi dormitory.

**** The bus arrive to Tokyo around 22:00 p.m, but sometimes it will be late due to the traffic jam. We will drop you off at Nerima station, or Shinjyuku station. (not Daikanyama)


■ Bus stop (bound for Echigo-Tsumari)
in front of Art Front Gallery

  • Hillside Terrace A, 29-18 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0033
  • 5-minute walk from Daikanyama Station, Tokyu Toyoko Line
  • google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/7XbP9RmVzXK2


■ Kohebi Dormitory

Showa-sou 松和荘

  • Check-in time: 17:00 ~
  • Dormitory type rooms (shared room with others)
  • female and male separated
  • with bath and shower room
  • with refrigerator and microwave
  • with wifi at canteen (start from July)
  • with vending machines
  • check here for more information


■ Things to bring

  • basic travel set
  • umbrella
  • easy-to-work clothes
  • easy-to-work shoes
  • outdoor hats (with wide brim)
  • sunscreen or any other things for protecting you from sunburn
  • insect repellent
  • sports drink


*Sometimes you have to work outdoors, so be prepared for the severe sun or heavy rain!


■ Approximate expense for the volunteer work

  • Onsen ticket 150 yen for once (special price for Kohebi)
  • Breakfast at the dorm 300 yen a day
  • Dinner at the dorm 500 yen a day
  • Cleaning fee for bed sheets 300 yen


■ Deadline for applying volunteer work

3 days before the volunteer work day


■ Application Form for oversea visitor

【New apply 】https://goo.gl/forms/ekBAPt0HAO887FzC2

【Change previous apply】https://goo.gl/forms/DalRar5IKyhF1oj72



  • You will receive an automatic sent mail after you send your application.
  • After we arrange all the shift, we will send you confirmation email in July by application order. It normally takes 3 to 7 days.
  • You can have break between your long stay. 6 days work and 1 day break. Please consult our staff at ETAT.
  • As long as you send your application form, you will receive our mail from kohebi3@yahoo.co.jp. If you can not receive it properly, please send us email via kohebi3@yahoo.co.jp.
  • We won’t send you reminder mail, so please keep in mind your own applied schedule.
  • If you have any adjustment, please refer to the [change previous apply] form
  • Please read through our Guideline for Kohebi-tai again. https://goo.gl/dpXwzh


We hope it’s all clear enough for you, but don’t hesitate to ask us any other questions via kohebi3@yahoo.co.jp.


Hope to see you soon at ETAT 2018!


Kohebi Office